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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chili-Lime Ramen (with carrots, which makes it healthy, right?)

This is one of my new favorite ramens to make because it is *so easy* and so much more delicious than just a regular package!

Let's meet the contenders:

1 pack chili ramen
shaved carrot to taste (and yes, it would be easier to use actual big carrots but I only had baby ones on hand and was too lazy to go out and buy other ones)
2-3 tbs lemon juice
1 tbs peanut sauce (or more, if you want it!)

Shave your carrot (or carrots if you have multiple baby ones) and place in your bowl of choice. Top with the lemon juice, like so:

After the ramen is done cooking, drain the pot and add your noodles to the carrot party. Mix with the entire chili flavor pack and then top that awesomeness with some peanut sauce. The finished result looks a little something like this:

... And if you're like me, and horribly vegetable deficient, this helps get in at least some sort of veggie serving to your day! Also it's delicious.

See, told you it was easy!